Animal Chiropractic and Acupuncture
Integrative therapies that optimize biomechanics to prevent and treat injuries, optimize athletic performance, and promote overall wellbeing.
Welcome to Integrative Veterinary Solutions
Integrative Veterinary Solutions provides acupuncture and chiropractic therapies to all species of animals. Dr. White is a highly trained veterinarian who provides therapies that are complementary to western medical care to complete a holistic health care plan for your pet/farm animal.
With Acupuncture and chiropractic therapies, Dr. White strives to optimize biomechanics in her patients such that the goal is not only to improve athletic performance and resolve pain, but also to prevent future pain and lameness.
Dr. White is based in mid coast Maine, but Integrative Veterinary Solutions is a mobile practice, which serves all of Maine, parts of New England, and eastern North Carolina. If you have any questions about how Integrative Veterinary Solutions can help your pet, please contact Dr. White at (207) 343-0229